Activity overview
Latest activity by Tea-
Tea created an article, Air-conditioning and heating
Hey there, traveller! If this is your first time travelling in Europe, we thought it might be a good shout to give you heads up that air-conditioning over here is not such a big thing yet. In this ...
Tea created an article, Català - Regles de l'establiment: Diverteix-te, festeja molt i dorm tranquil!
Hola aventurer, Benvingut a casa teva lluny de la llar, on els bons moments mai acaben! Tenim algunes regles de la casa que hem de delinear: Horaris Check in és a les 3pm Check out és a les 11am ...
Tea created an article, Spanish - Reglas del establecimiento: ¡Diviértete, festeja mucho y duerme tranquilo!
Hola aventurero, ¡Bienvenido a tu hogar lejos del hogar, donde los buenos momentos nunca terminan! Tenemos algunas reglas de la casa que debemos aclarar: Horarios Check in (ingreso) es a parti...
Tea created an article, Can I drink tap water in my hostel?
Feel free to drink tap water at any of our hostels! So yes, go ahead and fill up your reusable water bottle at any available tap. Most of our places even have water fountains!And if you forgot your...
Tea created an article, What's the closest public transportation stop to my hostel?
Below is a comprehensive compilation of all our hostel addresses, meticulously paired with the closest public transportation stops. This detailed information aims to offer you a thorough understand...
Tea created an article, Staff picks and good-to-know info when staying in Barcelona
Check out the list below to see what our staff recommend and get the info on handy opening hours and cool hostel activities during your stay in Barcelona.It's all part of the real hostel experience...
Tea created an article, Staff picks and good-to-know info when staying at Paris Canal
Check out the list below to see what our staff recommend and get the info on handy opening hours and cool hostel activities during your stay at Paris Canal.It's all part of the real hostel experien...
Tea created an article, Direct bookings - cancellation policies explained
Booking direct is the right way to go for several reasons! Not only do you get to benefit from a 5% cheaper online rate guarantee, you also get a free welcome drink and a choice between two online ...
Tea created an article, Staff picks and good-to-know info when staying in Newquay
Check out the list below to see what our staff recommend and get the info on handy opening hours and cool hostel activities during your stay in Newquay. It's all part of the real hostel experience,...
Tea created an article, Staff picks and good-to-know info when staying at London Village & Oasis
Check out the list below to see what our staff recommend and get the info on handy opening hours and cool hostel activities during your stay at London Village & OasisIt's all part of the real hoste...