What time is check-in and check-out?

Check-in is after 3:00PM for all St Christopher's hostels and 2PM for Flying Pigs, allowing us to prepare your room so it's all set for your arrival.


Here are the check-out times, giving you plenty of time to wrap up your stay before heading out: 

11:00AM for St Christopher's Inns (10:00 AM for Bruges)

10:30AM for Flying Pigs


We aim to make your transition smooth and hassle-free, ensuring you have a pleasant experience from start to finish.

Online pre-check-in is currently available for all of our St Christopher's hostel. It can be accessed via the confirmation email or this link.

Online check-out is only possible at the Village, the Inn and Newquay hostels. If you're staying at any of our other hostels, please note you will have to stop by reception to get your key deposit back before you leave! That's considered a check out and can not be done retrospectively nor remotely. 

In our 24/7 hostels, you can check in anytime, but if you're arriving after 1am, please give us a heads-up so we can keep your reservation active.


The Inn, Bath and Newquay do not have 24/7 receptions. Here are their opening hours: 

The Inn hostel reception is open until:
1am on Sundays - Wednesday
2am on Thursdays - Saturdays


The Newquay hostel reception is open until:
11pm on Sundays - Saturdays


The Bath hostel reception is open until:
11pm on Sundays - Saturdays


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Articles in this section

Most of our Receptions are open 24/7
excluding London Greenwich, London The Inn (London Bridge), Newquay and Bath
Check-in & Check-out times
Check-in starts at 3 PM for St Christopher's Inns, 2 PM for Flying Pigs! Check-out before 11 AM for all St Christopher's (10 for Bruges), 10:30 for Flying Pigs!
Book or extend direct
Benefit from the BEST PRICE GUARANTEE when you book directly on our website or over desk with our lovely staff!