Below are the directions to your hostel in Bruges. Additionally, we've included the Google Maps link for your convenience so you can easily access the location.
From Brussels Airport (Approximately 2 hours)
1. Take the IC 3635 to Bruxelles-Midi (towards Gand-Saint-Pierre / Gent-Sint-Pieters) (21 mins)
2. Take the IC 1535 to Brugge (towards Blankenberge) (58 mins)
3. Walk to Brugge Station platform 1 (3 mins)
4. At Stop 6, take the train to Brugge Kruispoort (towards Centrum (Dijver) - St.-Kruis (Malehoek))
5. Walk north on Kazernevest towards Kruispoortbrug 2 and turn left to Langestraat.
6. On the right is St Christopher's, Bauhaus.
From Bruges Train Station
1. Exit the Station and go to the bus stop on the right.
2. Take Bus 6 or 16 from the station.
3. Tell the driver you're going to the Bauhaus and they will let you know when to get off.
4. From the bus stop, walk toward the large stone gate (Kruispoort).
5. At the gate, turn left and walk down Langestraat with the gate behind you.
6. St Christopher's at the Bauhaus is on the right hand side, 200-meters down the street.
The Bruges hostel is located at 133 Langestraat.
See the address in Google Maps to get directions on your phone!