You can apply your code in the LOYALTY OR COUPON CODE section in step 3 of your booking experience, when making a reservation directly on our website.
Articles in this section
- Direct bookings - cancellation policies explained
- Why book direct?
- Will there be any additional fees or taxes added to my reservation?
- Can I make a reservation without a credit or debit card?
- Age restriction policy
- I have not yet received a confirmation email. Did my booking work?
- I have a discount code, how do I use it?
- My discount code is not working.
- I have a voucher, how do I use it?
- My voucher is not working.
Most of our Receptions are open 24/7
excluding London Greenwich, London The Inn (London Bridge), Newquay and Bath
Check-in & Check-out times
Check-in starts at 3 PM for St Christopher's Inns, 2 PM for Flying Pigs! Check-out before 11 AM for all St Christopher's (10 for Bruges), 10:30 for Flying Pigs!
Book or extend direct
Benefit from the BEST PRICE GUARANTEE when you book directly on our website or over desk with our lovely staff!